It is difficult for a woman not to acknowledge her wedding day as her most memorable
one, thus I will admit that my wedding left indeed a warm impression on me. To love once
and forever and to surrender in marriage to true love is the highest expectation of most
women. While the "forever" part may not always be achieved (case in example), nothing
can change the original heart impulses that lead to commitment and realization of one of the
sweetest dreams a woman can have. A planned wedding may end on a certain day
but the weeks and months of preparation carry on many days of joy, worries and
maturing. When the day finally arrives, both man and woman have matured to
unimaginable levels and are ready for the "I do's" and the sharing of two lives
together. When the vows are taken and the bride and groom are pronounced husband and wife
both parties have a sense of fulfillment. To the extent that the vows are taken seriously,
the wedding day could be the most memorable one in their lives..